Omarion Anthony - 2022 - 6'0 - 170lbs - RB/DB
Athlete Name: Omarion Anthony
School Name: West Rusk High School
State: Texas
Class Of: 2022
Sport Recruited For: Football
Position(s): WR,DB
Hand: Right
Other Sports Played: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track
Athlete Email
Athlete Phone: (903) 903-6581518
Twitter Handle: @omarion_anthony
Height: 6'0
Weight: 170
40: 4.6
Bench: 190
Squat: 315
Vert: 29
GPA: 3.8
Athletic Awards: 2019 2nd team all district WR
2020 1st Team All-District WR
Head Coach: Nick Harrison
Coach Email:
Coach Phone: 903-969-0974
Coach Twitter: @CoachNHarrison
Coaches Report:
Omarion is a weight room junkie, if he has time off you can find him throwing up some weight. His routes and hands are best we have seen in our program. He is confident in his abilities and has an competitive edge.